Current Members on our Council on Casinos, In formation:
Jay Belsky
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA
Jeffrey Benedict
Southern Virginia University
Buena Vista, VA
David Blankenhorn
Institute for American Values
New York, NY
Mark Boyd
Goodwill Industries of Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia
Maple Shade, NJ
Hans C. Breiter
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Chicago, IL
Jonathan Conning
Hunter College
The Graduate Center, CUNY
New York, NY
Richard A. Daynard
Northeastern University School of Law
Public Health Advocacy Institute
Boston, MA
John J. Dilulio, Jr.
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
William J. Doherty
College of Human Ecology, University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
Robert Frank
Cornell University Johnson Graduate School of Management
Ithaca, NY
William A. Galston
Brookings Institution
Washington, DC
Claire Gaudiani
New York University Wagner Graduate School of Public Service;
The Declaration Initiative
New York, NY
Neil Gilbert
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
Robert Goodman
Hampshire College
Amherst, MA
Fred M. Gottheil
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, IL
Earl Grinols
Baylor University Hankamer School of Business
Waco, TX
Jonathan Haidt
New York University Stern School of Business
New York, NY
William A. Johnson, Jr.
Rochester Institute of Technology
Former Mayor of Rochester
Rochester, NY
John Kindt
University of Illinois College of Business
Champaign, IL
Kathleen Kovner Klein
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
The Consortium Mental Health Center
Philadelphia, PA
Richard C. Leone
The Century Foundation
New York, NY
Glenn C. Loury
Brown University
Providence, RI
Sam Magavern
Partnership for the Public Good
Buffalo, NY
Steven Malanga
Manhattan Institute
New York, NY
Lawrence M. Mead
New York University
New York, NY
Lisa Mensah
The Aspen Institute
New York, NY
David G. Myers
Hope College
Holland, MI
Stephen G. Post
Stony Brook University
Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics
Stony Brook, NY
R.R. Reno
First Things
New York, NY
Fred Siegel
Saint Francis College;
Manhattan Institute's Center for State and Local Leadership
Brooklyn, NY
Peter Skerry
Boston College
Boston, MA
Margaret O'Brien Steinfels
Fordham Center on Religion and Culture
New York, NY
Peter Wehner
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Washington, DC
Charles Wheelan
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
Barbara Dafoe Whitehead
Institute for American Values
New York, NY
Ajume H. Wingo
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO
Alan Wolfe
Boston College; Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life
Boston, MA
Peter Wood
National Association of Scholars
New York, NY
Read the report Why Casinos Matter: Thirty-One Evidence-Based Propositions from the Health and Social Sciences